High in Antioxidants. Purifies the Blood.
Rich in Iron. Boosts Immune Systems.
Increases Strength of Heart.
Black Raisins with seeds having it every day is good for your stomach.
Black Raisins contain fibers that start to swell in the presence of water.
These give a laxative effect to the stomach and help in relieving constipation.
Black Raisins are found to be rich in polyphenolic phytonutrients which are
antioxidants that help in keeping your eyesight strong.
Black Raisins have about 45 milligrams of calcium per 1/2-cup serving.
This translates to about 4 percent of your daily needs.
Calcium is essential for healthy and strong bones and teeth.
Black Raisins contain healthy vitamins and minerals.
They are also fat-free and cholesterol-free, high in
antioxidants, and an excellent source of fiber.
Additional Information